Successful Snow Leopard tour in September 2023

Photo by: Maria Becker

We organized a private Snow Leopard tour for our guests - Martin Langer and Maria Backer from Germany from September 18th to October 3rd, 2023. After arriving in Altai Mountain, on the third day, one of our local trackers found two Snow Leopards on a fresh kill of a young male Siberian Ibex. It was already late afternoon when we were contacted by him. So, we decided to go in the early morning of the next day. We started at 5:00 am and reached the position where we could have a decent view of the leopards. The Snow Leopards were still staying next to the kill and it gave us a good chance to watch and photograph them for a few hours. 

After returning to Ulaanbaatar, we went to the Hustai National Park to see the Przwelski's Horses and other wildlife there. After we left the highway, the first thing we saw was a Red Fox next to the road. After some driving, we spotted a Grey Wolf slowly running in the wheat field. It was not very shy and we were able to watch and photograph it for 30 minutes or so. What a day! We continued our journey to the main part of the valley and we have seen plenty of Wild Horses, Siberian Wapiti Deer, a herd of Mongolian Gazelles and some Mongolian Marmots. 

Photo by: Maria Becker